Need help with using unsegmented in ner.make-gold recipe

I am trying to use the ner.make-gold recipe with the below command.

python -m prodigy ner.make-gold preds model_batch4_1 "\Batch4\extract.txt" --label Facility,Trance,Deal --U True

But unfortunately, I get the below error

usage: prodigy ner.make-gold [-h] [-a None] [-lo None] [-l None] [-e None]
dataset spacy_model [source]
prodigy ner.make-gold: error: unrecognized arguments: True

Am I doing anything wrong here.

Thanks in advance

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Use -U or --unsegmented (it's one dash if it's the single-letter option, two dashes if it's the longer name) and remove True:

python -m prodigy ner.make-gold preds model_batch4_1 "\Batch4\extract.txt" --label Facility,Trance,Deal -U

Just -U by itself means unsegmented.


Thanks a lot

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Thanks! It worked,