I purchased this product this week and I am having all kinds of problems. I spent the weekend trying to track down solutions, but it only leads to more problems. Because I could not follow the tutorial above (still getting the "ValueError: Can't read file: s2v_reddit_2015_md\cfg" no matter what I do, I decided instead to try the NER.MANUAL recipe. Yesterday, I compiled my own JSONL file formatted exactly like the file food_patterns.jsonl.
But it does not work with the recipe. I tried to find out why and ran it through the JSON linter program as recommended on another post. I received an error message that reads as follows:
"Error: Parse error on line 1: { 'label': 'FOOD', 'p
--^Expecting 'STRING', '}', got 'undefined."
That makes no sense as, visually at least, my file is the same as presented in your tutorials. So the YouTube tutorial, for whatever reason, does not work because it cannot read the "s2v_reddit_2015_md\cfg" and there is no documentation for that error message or how to handle it. Secondly, I am finding out the JSONL file I spent many hours creating - not knowing any short cuts - is useless.
And I have not heard from anyone in response to my original issue. I don;t know what to say at this point except I hope to hear back soon or I will have to file a dispute through PayPal.
I spent the money because I need a program that will enable to identify food items, quantities and units of measurement. I thought this would make it a lot easier that writing my own code. But I have now invested too many hours looking for solutions that just don't seem to exist. I knew it would be a challenge, but it's too much effort for little reward without adequate technical support.
I will give it a few more days hoping to hear back from someone. I understand that a new piece of software requires a learning curve and more patience, but it also requires strong technical support.
Please let me know how to move forward.
(In addition, I purchased the book Mastering Spacy on Amazon, which specifically purports to tutor the reader in Spacy 3.0 in the preface. But it does not. The lessons and sample code are all written to support 2.0. The only current resource is the book's website, which is free of charge.)
Here is my JSONL file if it helps.
ing_patterns.jsonl (1.6 MB)
As a final note, I will add that I submitted the JSONL code from food_patterns.jsonl, available through one of your tutorials, to the same JSON linter recommended in another post and received a similar EOF error msg. as when I submitted my own.