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I was looking for the possibility of opening multiple terminals simultaneously and defining different ports to deploy prodigy with different URLs.
Since we currently have 10,000 pieces of data, opening multiple prodigy apps at the same time would allow team members to work independently without being disturbed and increase overall efficiency.
I'm not sure where to look for a way to do this; thank you very much for considering answering my question.

Hi Echo,

is there a specific reason why you want to host Prodigy on multiple ports? You can also have multiple users annotate by hosting it on a singe port via multi-user sessions.

Is there a reason why this approach doesn't work for you? If so, could you elaborate?

Hi Vincent,
Thank you so much for your kind response. Following your instructions, I did find we can label multi-user during manual label the data; however, our project is a bit different.
Our raw data are footnotes from different articles, so we activate prodigy for paper one and label the footnotes from first to the end, then we save the label, end the app, and start another one for paper two. So it was tough for our team to work freely. We were forced to differentiate time to mark manually instead of working simultaneously. We tried to have multiple people working on an activated app simultaneously, but it wasn't evident. Since we need to rely on the file reference for markup, the best way is to run separate files in a separate prodigy.
I'm unsure if I've clarified myself, but do you have any suggestions for a manual markup workflow? Or do you have any ideas for a solution? Thank you very much for taking the time to consider my request

Is it possible to share two examples that need annotating? It's also fine if the examples are unrelated to your domain, as long as they represent the annotation task. I think that you're describing something that should be possible without extra ports, but I want to make sure that we're talking about the same thing and it usually helps to work from a tangible example.

It might require a custom recipe though, but once you share examples for the task I'll gladly dive in :smiling_face: