I apologize if this topic has been covered elsewhere, but I'd like to validate my assumption (or hear out a different approach you'd suggest) that in order to create relationships between problems, tests, and treatments (our current labels for one of our medical NER models) and body locations (for which we do not currently have a label), we would need to first decouple the body parts from existing entities, such that 'knee injection' (a treatment) becomes 'knee' (a body part) and 'injection' (a treatment). And then, after body parts are a separate label, we could map relationships between them and problems/tests/treatments.
If this seems right to you that we need a separate label for body parts, would it make sense to relabel with the span classification recipe so that body parts could be identified via patterns in the many cases where they overlap with something already labeled as an entity? (They also are expressed via impractical distances in the text ('Application to her left buttocks area 11/30/17 did alleviate some of the pain '(buttocks—> pain)) as well as one to many relationships as part of sections (anus: no masses, mild bleeding).)
We've had great success using prodigy to fine tune and build NER models that are amazingly performant with relatively little data, and have been helped along the way by the thorough support you provide in these forums. Thank you for everything you do.