Long reviews with custom filter_auto_accept_stream fail

I has created a custom filter_auto_accept_stream that check the two equal responses of two annotators datasets for automatically add the equal responses to review, the code is simple:

        elif len(versions) == 2:
            if versions[0]["answer"] == versions[1]["answer"]:
                eg["answer"] = versions[0]["answer"]
                db.add_examples([eg], [dataset])
                yield eg

This code work perfectly when I work with datasets with 2000 rows, but when I work with datasets with 3000-4000, the problem is that prodigy server start previously to finish review, and a lot of annotations are lost. Some tricks or tips?

I has put prints inside filter_auto_accept_stream code, I put my code and part of output:

Code inside my recipes/review.py

def filter_auto_accept_stream(
    stream: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]], db: Database, dataset: str
) -> StreamType:
    Automatically add examples with no conflicts to the database and skip
    them during annotation.
    for num, eg in enumerate(stream):
        versions = eg["versions"]
        if len(versions) == 1:  # no conflicts, only one version
            sessions = versions[0]["sessions"]
            if len(sessions) > 1:  # multiple identical versions
                # Add example to dataset automatically
                eg["answer"] = "accept"
                db.add_examples([eg], [dataset])
            # Don't send anything out for annotation
        elif len(versions) == 2:
            print(f"V2: {num} {versions[0]['answer']} == {versions[1]['answer']}")
            if versions[0]["answer"] == versions[1]["answer"]:
                eg["answer"] = versions[0]["answer"]
                db.add_examples([eg], [dataset])
                yield eg
            yield eg


V2: 0 reject == reject
V2: 1 reject == reject
V2: 2 reject == reject
... # hide entries for avoid long log
V2: 1752 reject == reject
V2: 1753 accept == reject
V2: 1754 reject == reject

✨  Starting the web server at ...
Open the app in your browser and start annotating!

V2: 1755 reject == reject
V2: 1756 reject == reject
... # hide entries for avoid long log
V2: 2662 reject == reject
V2: 2663 reject == reject # This is my last entry, but my datasets are of 4000 lines

I exec the next command: env/bin/python -u -m prodigy review example_referee example_annotator1,example_annotator2 --label example --show-skipped --auto-accept