Hello ,
I am trying to use Prodigy for NER annotations. Firstly, I loaded the spaCy model de_core_news_lg nlp = spacy.load('de_core_news_lg')
and modified the tokenizer of it by adding special cases plus I added a custom_sentencizer to separate sentences by some character of my choice. I removed the ner pipe of the model and lastly, I saved the NLP model to a directory by nlp.to_disk(path='tmp/my-model')
. Then I ran the Prodigy from terminal by:
prodigy ner.manual data_set tmp/my-model ./dataset.jsonl --label ABSTRACTCLASS,IDENTIFIER,NUM,VALUE,UNIT --patterns ./ner_pattern.jsonl
Prodigy still does not recognize my added special cases of tokenization as tokens.
So, is my way right? or I missed something
thanks in advance,