This forum is to help with Prodigy questions.
While this forum may cover spaCy related topics -- especially when they related to Prodigy functionality that uses spaCy -- for reporting bugs or spaCy-specific questions, please use the spaCy GitHub Discussions forum.
We've created three templates to help you get started:
- Bug Report
- Feature Request
- User Feedback
To use these templates, you'll need to:
- Start a new topic
- Click the cyclinder icon > Insert Template
- Choose your template by clicking the
Fill in the template details.
Reproducible Examples
Please provide a minimum reproducible example of the issue they're facing with formatted code when possible. We understand that security or company policies may not allow you to provide details, but remember, the more your provide for us the more and faster we can help.
Please also provide formatted code only, no screenshots of code. This ensure that the code is searchable and reproducible.
We're here to help with your Prodigy questions and issues, but remember, we don't support third party tools and libraries.
Installation issues
Be sure you've read Prodigy's installation docs first.
We've also created an Installation FAQ: