How can i determine the company role of each employee based on a paragraph of text?

How can i determine the company role of each employee based on a paragraph of text?

I want to do this using machine learning.

I do not know necessarily what role titles will be given.

Example input:

"The CEO is John Smith; Jane Jones is the COO, and recently Mark Wright was made the CTO."

Desired output:

{"CEO": "John Smith", "COO":"Jane Jones", "CTO":"Mark Wright"}

if i have thousands of paragraphs which indicate the titles in the staff of a team, e.g. "CEO is Smith, the CTO will be Jones, for ten years Higgins has been the VP", then how can I se machine to extract this information and classify it neatly?

What works best ultimately depends on your data, but you could try and solve this with a combination of named entity recognition to first detect all names in the text, and then use rules based on the syntax and keywords ("CEO", "CTO" etc.) to extract the relationships.

This example shows a pretty similar use case:

Also see the documentation on NER with Prodigy here: