Hey, I had passed around 200 images loaded from s3 to prodigy to annotate...and while annotating I had received about 72 images to annotate and didn't receive any images further, and a message of "No tasks available" was mentioned .tried refreshing the page..loading in incognito..didn't workout.
Note : This doesn't happens every time, but is happening frequently now.
Sharing my recipe code and command I use with subprocess call in python:
1. The main recipe code where I load images from s3:
#Code starts here
def stream_from_s3(model_path, bucket, labels_string,labels_color_dict, prefix=None):
labels_color_dict = eval(labels_color_dict)
# Get all loaded images.
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
#s3 = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
label_list_to_predict = [x.strip() for x in labels_string.split(',')]
# Build a paginator for when there are a lot of objects.
paginator = s3.get_paginator('list_objects')
paginate_params = {
'Bucket': bucket
# Check if only certain images from S3 should be loaded.
if prefix is not None:
paginate_params['Prefix'] = prefix
page_iterator = paginator.paginate(**paginate_params)
# Iterate through the pages.
for page in page_iterator:
# Iterate through items on the page.
for obj in page['Contents']:
img_key = obj['Key']
prodigy.log(f"Processing key: {img_key}")
if not img_key.endswith('.jpg'):
unique_img_id = get_unique_img_id(image_counter)
# Read the image.
_img_bytes = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=img_key).get('Body').read()
#img = Image.open(BytesIO(img))
img = Image.open(BytesIO(_img_bytes))
img = np.array(img)
spans = []
spans = do_predict(img, label_list_to_predict, labels_color_dict)
# Provide response that Prodigy expects.
'key': img_key,
'image': img_to_b64_uri(_img_bytes, 'image/jpg'),
'spans' : spans
2. The command we are using to start prodigy
prodigy stream_from_s3 myapp-dev "headmask_present, headmask_absent" "{'headmask_present': (0.16, 0.0, 1.0), 'headmask_absent': (0.5481762597512125, 1.0, 0.0)}" s3bucket/ -F loader.py | prodigy image.manual dataset-001 - --loader jsonl --label "headmask_present, headmask_absent" --no-fetch --remove-base64