discourse analysis recipe

Hi! That's an interesting use case :slightly_smiling_face:

How you set up an annotation workflow kinda depends on the specifics of your dependency scheme. If you can narrow down the possible candidates that are part of a relationship you could stream in pairs and then use the choice interface to select the relationships between them. For instance, if you have an entity recognizer or rule-based process that extracts names and two people are mentioned together, you can show both mentions, and select a label for the relation.

A similar(ish) use case came up in the following thread the other day and it inspired me to dig a bit deeper and try out some ideas we've had for a manual interface for labelling complex relationships, and even relationships and spans at the same time. You can see some early screenshots here:

It turned out to be a really powerful interface and we'll be introducing it in Prodigy v1.10, along with some recipes for fully manual relation annotation, model-assisted dependency parsing annotation and coreference resolution. So this is probably also going to be a good fit for what you're trying to do.

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