Continue to annotate same data in new session

No problem :grinning:

Sorry if this isn't in the best format for you (wasn't sure how to get the task) but here are two example outputs after using set_hashes:

  1. {'_input_hash': 861280820, 'text': 'they only last for a few minutes but it still concerns me.', '_task_hash': -598293614, 'spans': [{'start': 5, 'label': 'TIME', 'text': 'only', 'source': 'core_web_sm', 'input_hash': 861280820, 'rank': 2, 'end': 9, 'score': 0.018179588478833608}], 'meta': {'score': 0.018179588478833608}}

  2. {'spans': [{'end': 9, 'input_hash': 861280820, 'rank': 2, 'text': 'only', 'score': 0.018179588478833608, 'source': 'core_web_sm', 'label': 'TIME', 'start': 5}], 'meta': {'score': 0.018179588478833608}, 'text': 'they only last for a few minutes but it still concerns me.', '_input_hash': 861280820, '_task_hash': 1925984069}

Could the issue be that 'spans' has the same contents every time but the order is randomised?