I tried to follow the workflow adopted in prodigy's NER tutorial -- "ner_food_ingredients".
However, I'm unable to run the command in Step 4 (projects/tutorials/ner_food_ingredients at v3 · explosion/projects · GitHub) -- i.e. the command to pretrain a model and use the pretrained tok2vec weights to create tmp_model.
I get the following error on my command line -- "no such option: --init-tok2vec" (I use Windows - Anaconda Prompt)
Yes, the terminal command has been updated since the tutorial. Some of the optional parameters should now be specified in a config when training your spaCy model: https://spacy.io/api/data-formats#config
But you can also override these options in the command-line by passing:
Hi, I've been having the same issue watching the same tutorial with --init-tok2vec and tried the suggested solution of ---paths.init_tok2vec. However, ended up with the following.
Error parsing config overrides
-paths -> init_tok2vec not a section value that can be overridden
Has the terminal commands been updated? or any other potential config that I'm missing?