Bug description:
Using the span.manual recipe with already annotated spans in the json file, I get this error message.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'push')
Reproduction steps:
How can we recreate the bug?
Source file (jsonl):
{"text":"Wij bieden je een leuke baan, een prima werkplek met kost en inwoning, een aantrekkelijk salaris en uitzicht op een dienstverband voor langere tijd.\nHet salaris wordt na proefdagen definitief vastgesteld op basis van leeftijd, opleiding, kennis en kunde.\njaarcontract op basis van 32 uur per week of fulltime voor bepaalde tijd.","spans":[{"start":7,"end":14,"token_start":30,"token_end":69,"label":"COMPANY CULTURE"},{"start":15,"end":18,"token_start":71,"token_end":96,"label":"SALARY"},{"start":28,"end":46,"token_start":149,"token_end":254,"label":"SALARY"},{"start":47,"end":61,"token_start":255,"token_end":328,"label":"TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT"}]}
(shortened for readability, same happens if there are several lines in the jsonl file)
Recipe: spans.manual
Spacy Model: nl_core_news_lg
prodigy spans.correct pull_factors nl_core_news_lg prodigy_data.jsonl --label SALARY
Environment variables:
Please provide prodigy stats
or Python version/OS/Prodigy version:
Version 1.14.0
Prodigy Home /home/nlp/.prodigy
Platform Linux-5.4.0-148-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
Python Version 3.8.10
Spacy Version 3.5.4
Database Name SQLite
Database Id sqlite
My prodigy.json file only sets the port:
"port": 8999
Please let me know if more information is needed. Thanks already!