Broken link in documentation for "Example: Checking a single example against GPT-4"


I want to use an LLM to pre-annotate NER and relationships between entities and then have those annotations be reviewed and refined by human annotators. However, the documentation section for "Example: Checking a single example against GPT-4" has a broken link for the code on Github. Where can I find the repository?


Sorry about that! I have just fixed the link on the web but here it is as well: prodigy-recipes/tutorials/llm-ner-interactive at master · explosion/prodigy-recipes · GitHub

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Thanks @magdaaniol. A quick note that the link to Prodigy Event Hooks Docs mentioned in the Github repo README is also broken. Currently it is

Thanks. We have recently redid our Prodigy website :sparkles: and we might have broken some outer links in the process (although we've tried to update them all) so such pointers are super helpful - thanks again!

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