Hi Ines, Thanks for your time!
What I am trying to do is that I have a trained BERT model for NER which I want to use as a model in a loop (instead of spacy models) for manual labelling as well as correcting model's prediction and also letting model correct its prediction in loop like we can use spacy model with ner.manual, ner.teach, ner.correct, and ner.train commands. I wrote the script for custom model with all the function mentioned here https://prodi.gy/docs/named-entity-recognition#custom-model with predict and update functions w.r.t. bert and packed them in custom_ner_recipe function. But when I try to run this recipe, it takes around around 45 minutes before it gives "Error while validating stream: no first example This likely means that your stream is empty." error. When I turn validate: false in config file, although the command gets executed and prodigy gets hosted in a localhost, but the UI only displays Loading.
Also, any timeline on when we can use prodigy with spacy v3? As this will make my work far too easy by letting me use spacy-transformer library and load a bert transformer as a spacy model.
FYI, jsonl file which I am passing as an input file has following structure:
{"text": "[CLS] Some text goes here[SEP]", "spans": [{"start": 6, "end": 17, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 33, "end": 55, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 59, "end": 119, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 122, "end": 194, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 207, "end": 219, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 248, "end": 253, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 256, "end": 257, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 1227, "end": 1257, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 1260, "end": 1265, "label": "LABEL1"}]}
{"text": "[CLS] Some text goes here[SEP]", "spans": [{"start": 11, "end": 37, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 42, "end": 64, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 97, "end": 192, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 231, "end": 239, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 290, "end": 326, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 339, "end": 349, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 350, "end": 406, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 411, "end": 426, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 443, "end": 456, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 493, "end": 501, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 505, "end": 508, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 517, "end": 524, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 529, "end": 532, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 581, "end": 601, "label": "LABEL1"}, {"start": 604, "end": 609, "label": "LABEL1"}]}