Allow URL params to filter examples to annotate for multi-user sessions

My question is similar in nature to this one however I was wondering if its possible to pass an additional URL param that gets used in conjunction with the session URL param.

For instance,
I'd like to call the following: localhost:8080/?session=diego&doc=XXX
and then be able to filter examples to annotate to only include paragraphs (examples) from that doc. Is this possible to do or do I need to go through the process of creating new processes for each user who wants to only add annotations to a given document?

My main goal is to have a listing page of all documents in my jsonl file that annotators can access via some URL with ?session=XXX in it and then allow them to click a document name and make annotations to examples with that doc_id only ( via something like the URL above ).

The code for my listing page which I'd like to add this functionality to is as follows and works fine thus far..

import prodigy
import sys
from prodigy.components.db import connect
from prodigy.components.loaders import JSONL

@prodigy.recipe('annotate_doc', dataset=("The dataset with annotations", "positional", None, str),
    file_path=("Path to Rulings", "positional", None, str))
def annotate_doc(dataset,file_path):

    {'text': 'Suprema Corte: 1 El Superior Tribunal de .....(fs. 578/589 del principal). ', 
     'meta': {'page': 0, 'highlight': '', 'doc': '_S , J M s_ 119 3° párrafo-_.pdf'}}
    init_stream = JSONL(file_path)

    # find unique documents in jsonl file of paragraphs that we'll want to annotate
    docs = [ e['meta']['doc'] for e in init_stream ]
    odocs = {}
    for d in docs:
        if d not in odocs:
            odocs[d] = {'paragraph':0, 'accept': 0, 'reject': 0}
        odocs[d]['paragraph'] += 1
    nd = len(odocs)  #4279

    # find annotations which have already been made in prodigy DB
    db = connect()
    examples = db.get_dataset(dataset)
    num_exs = len(examples)  #number rows in annotated dataset
    for e in examples:
        odocs[e["meta"]["doc"]][ e['answer']] += 1

    # make table which shows doc name, number of paragraphs, number of accepts, number of rejects in DB, 
    # and provides a link to page so that a given annotator may annotate the paragraphs for that document (TODO)
    style = 'style="border-bottom: 1px dashed gray; vertical-align:top;"'
    html_block = "<h2>"+str(nd)+" Documents total</h2>"
    html_block += "<table style='width: 1200px; position: absolute; left: -200px;'>"
    html_block += "<tr "+style+"><th>DOC</th><th># PARAGRAPHS</th><th># Accepts</th><th># Rejects</th><th>Link to Annotate</th></tr>"
    for d in odocs:
        r = odocs[d]
        html_block += "<tr "+style+"><td>"+d+"</td> <td>"+ str(r['paragraph']) +"</td> <td>"+ str(r["accept"])+"</td><td>"+str(r["reject"])+"</td><td>TODO</td></tr>"
    html_block += "</table>"

    stream = [{"html": html_block}]

    return {
        "view_id": "html",
        "stream": stream,
        "dataset": dataset,
        "config":{"buttons": [], "ui_lang": "es"},