Context: we're trying to customize active learning process to select most uncertain ones from all candidates for annotation.
Question: where to customize the scope? In the sample code below, does argument 'stream' in call() refer to all candidates or just some subset? Thanks
class DummyModel:
def __init__(self, labels):
# The model can keep arbitrary state – let's use a simple random float
# to represent the current weights
self.weights = random.random()
self.labels = labels
def __call__(self, stream):
for eg in stream:
# Score the example with respect to the current weights
eg['label'] = random.choice(self.labels)
score = (random.random() + self.weights) / 2
yield (score, eg)
def update(self, answers):
# Update the model weights with the new answers
self.weights = random.random()
We have some documentation for custom active learning models here and indeed Prodigy expects the __call__(self, stream) to make predictions that yield (score, example)-pairs. If you scroll down in the documented example you'll also see this pseudocode:
# pseudocode!
import prodigy
from prodigy.components.loaders import JSONL
from prodigy.components.sorters import prefer_uncertain
def custom_textcat_recipe(dataset, source):
model = Model()
stream = JSONL(source) # load the data
stream = model(stream) # call custom predict function
stream = prefer_uncertain(stream) # sort to prefer uncertain scores
return {
"dataset": dataset, # dataset to save annotations to
"stream": stream, # the incoming stream of examples
"update": model.update, # the update callback
"view_id": "classification" # annotation interface to use
In this example you can see that the update callback refers to the update method of the model. When the model is updated then the next batch will receive new scores because of this line:
stream = model(stream)
Then, because in the next line this stream is filtered via prefer_uncertain it should give more examples that are closer to 0.5.
If you're interested in playing around with these "preferences", you can also visualise them in a Jupyter notebook if you like.
import random
n = 10000
data_in = [(i/n, i/n) for i in range(n)]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def grid_plots(funcs=[prefer_uncertain, prefer_high_scores, prefer_low_scores]):
for i, func in enumerate(funcs):
received = list(func(data_in))
plt.subplot(1, len(funcs), i + 1)
plt.hist(received, bins=30)
Thank you very much for the prompt reply! Sorry for the unclear question, let me rephrase the 'scope'.
Let's assume there are 10k unlabeled documents, and we will need to do active learning:
annotators label something on UI, e.g. 100 documents
the model gets retrained/finetuned with new labeled data
model re-score unlabeled documents and select uncertain samples for next round annotation
My question is: in step 3 when we call "stream = model(stream)", will the model re-score (10k-100 labeled) documents vs. only re-score a batch/subset of 10k, with batch size defined somewhere else such as 1000?
I guess the answer is former, (10k-100 labeled). Is that right?
Prodigy doesn't re-score everything because we don't know upfront how many unlabelled examples there are. It could be 100, it could be 100 million! So that is why Prodigy samples from the stream. Everything is running on a stream of batches, and it's using a clever sampling trick to pluck interesting candidates from each batch.
If you have a look at the simulation results above, you may recognize that there's a preference but not a hard cutoff. Prodigy does a variant of resevoir sampling such that the odds of selecting the interesting candidates are good. This allows us to select candidates from a near infinite stream, while also allowing us to update the model in the loop. The updated model has an updated belief on each batch that comes in.
Very helpful. thanks. Will implement my custom learning process.
Another question: where can I define batch size and uncertain example size? I would like to adjust them in order to cover more samples during random sampling.
The active learning process is: from all unlabeled examples (e.g. 10 million), it selects X(e.g. 100) examples for "model(stream)", then "prefer_uncertain(stream) " will yield Y(e.g. a few) examples for UI annotation. My understanding is:
X can be modified in prodigy config file
Y can be modified in prefer_uncertain()
Is that right? Thanks.