I'm using terms.teach and am receiving the following error.
prodigy terms.teach state_terms_money en_core_web_lg --seeds Funds,Grants,Appropriations
Initializing with 3 seed terms
Grants, Appropriations, Funds
Starting the web server at http://localhost:8080 ...
Open the app in your browser and start annotating!
✘ Invalid task format for view ID 'text'
_input_hash field required
_task_hash field required
{'text': 'funds', 'meta': {'score': 0.8113134831514935}}
I was using Prodigy nightly (which was working fine) but have uninstalled it and reinstalled with the new stable release 1.11.0. I also redownloaded the en_core_web_lg model. Any ideas?
Update I uninstalled and downgraded to the latest nightly and it seems to be working again. I've tried to upgrade back to 1.11.0 and continue to have this issue.