Using spancat for ner confidence scores

hi @efratmentel!

Thanks for your questions and welcome to the Prodigy community!

This is correct. See this spaCy discussions post:

You can use NER components as well. Take a look at this documentation on how to create a custom recipe that use predicted scores to modify annotation order.

Actually, you should be fine. Check out this helpful past post that describes.

Yep - that makes sense. For questions like this, the SpaCy discussion forum can be helpful. For example, I found a similar post that suggested the same. As referenced, you could use the softmax from thinc in a custom config. If you have questions, I would suggest replying to that post as the spaCy developer team can help you (this forum is more for Prodigy-specific questions).

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any further questions!