Reviewing Ignored Cases

Hi @spothedog1 !

Are you aware of the :ignore (or could be :accept or :reject) suffix you can add to a dataset name (along with dataset: prefix) to review only ignored examples?

For example:

python -m prodigy rel.manual ner_ignore_data blank:en dataset:ner_data:ignore --label SUBJECT,OBJECT

This will enable you to create a review dataset ner_ignore_data where you only review the ignored records from ner_data. This documentation provides more details.

Have you tried to modify the "history_size" and/or "batch_size" in the configuration file? This may cause issues due to memory if you have a lot of annotations -- let alone more problems if you forget to click save as many records will be in your browser and not yet in the database. This is the major challenge on why by default we set both to 10 records.