Review recipe with blocks interface

Thanks for the report! It looks like you hit an interesting edge case here: the review recipe will check the tasks for their "_view_id" and then use that to decide how to render the examples in the review interface. The --view-id is only used as the default and fallback. In your case, the interface is "_view_id": "blocks". So Prodigy will try to render the content with the blocks UI, but since the review recipe doesn't define any blocks, you see "No blocks available.".

The easiest workaround would be to either edit the recipe in and add your blocks to the config, or to create a prodigy.json in your local working directory that sets "blocks": [...]. (A prodigy.json in the working directory overrides the global config so you can use it to set project-specific config like blocks, without having to add it to the recipe or global config.)

I'll think about how to solve this – the easiest solution would probably be to allow the --view-id argument of the review to override the "_view_id" of the task. Then your command would work and Prodigy would render the content using the ner_manual interface.