questions on Multi NERs Annotation & Training at Once in a Sentence

hi @ruiyeNLP!

I can't guarantee any response turn-around but feel free to keep posting on this chain. We'll answer as we can.

Typically, we'd advocate for more many sentences. For example, our NER workflow recommends to start to with at least 1,000 unlabeled sentences at the very beginning :slight_smile:

While there's no set, we typically recommend models training with about 500 sentences at minimum with evaluation datasets of at least a few hundred. Therefore, if you followed that you wouldn't have enough for training or even data augmentation. Is there anyway to get more sentences?

Hopefully you can as I would be skeptical on how far you can go with only 100 sentences.

If you did want to use data augmentation, augmenty could work.

If you can overcome the few sentences, down the road you should consider running train-curve. This will give you an idea of how your accuracy changes with more annotations. Look for documentation on the recommendations.