Loading Prodigy output back into Prodigy

Hm... that's weird. Typically, that error has sometimes been a formatting or something that needed restart:

I'm a bit surprised that you saw the same issue with dataset:.

I'd suggest to run that process on (say) the first 10 records. Does it run? If so, then this makes it seem like it's not a systematic issue and instead only affects a few records. If it doesn't run, then perhaps try the last 10 records or randomly take a few rows.

Sorry this is a bit of a trial-and-error but the goal is to figure out if this is an issue with all of the records or only some/certain records. I've done this in the past where I didn't realize there was some a minor data issue with a few sparsely populated records. If you do find it's with only some records, then try to find an example of it and understand why.

This is a bit of a challenge without a fully reproducible example (completely understand you can't provide due to data privacy). If possible, if you could create 1 similar dummy, ready-to-go .jsonl that will help me a ton because then I can reproduce it. Also, provide what are the exact commands if possible.