Give a specific order of presentation depending on the annotator

Hi and thanks, that's nice to hear :smiley:

The easiest way to implement something like this would be to start a separate instance for each annotator and use a custom stream for each of them, with a different order of examples (randomly, or specific based on the annotator). Since the only difference between the instances is the stream, you might not even need a custom recipe and can just use a custom loader. See here for an example:

If you want your loader to be more elegant, you could use a library like typer to let it take arguments on the command line, so you could do something like --annotator estelle | prodigy ... or --random --n-examples 10 | prodigy ... etc.

(If your data is in JSON and you know jq, there's probably also a super elegant way to do the shuffling/ordering in a single line on the CLI, then pipe that forward to the recipe and set --loader json. But I'm not a jq wizard, so I couldn't give you any code example for the jq part :sweat_smile:)