Format neuralcoref inferences for use with prodigy relations recipe

hi @BenGriffithsPEP!

Thanks for your message and welcome to the Prodigy community :wave:

Unfortunately, we don't have an off-the-shelf "correct" recipe for neuralcoref. As the ticket below mentions, what would be important is to understand the format required (which I think is part of your question):

Once you understand their format, you could create a custom recipe. And as you found, it may be helpful to look over the docs for the relations recipes.

Also, you may want to look at the dep.correct recipe to see how a "correct" recipe with the "relations" user interface (note that link shows what is the format for the "relations" UI which may be helpful too). To view this recipe, run:

python -m prodigy stats

Where you should then see the Location: where Prodigy has been installed. In that location folder, look for the file recipes/ where you'll see the dep.correct recipe.

Similarly, you may find the coref.manual recipe to be helpful too, which you can find in the recipes/ Essentially, you'd want to combine the idea of "correcting" the neuralcoref model into the coref.manual recipe.

If you're able to get a recipe, feel free to post back and/or post it as a GitHub gist! We would greatly appreciate it. Hope this helps!