Custom view templates with scripts

Update: All works pretty smoothly already! ::tada:


The above example only needed the following html_template and javascript config:

<button class="custom-button" onClick="updateText()">
    👇 Text to uppercase
<br />
let upper = false;

function updateText() {
    const text = window.prodigy.content.text;
    const newText = !upper ? text.toUpperCase() : text.toLowerCase();
    window.prodigy.update({ text: newText });
    upper = !upper;
    document.querySelector('.custom-button').textContent = '👇 Text to ' + (upper ? 'lowercase' : 'uppercase')

Things I tested in the above example that already work:

  • Dynamic update of the annotation task’s content in the HTML template.
  • Keeping arbitrary state within the custom JavaScript – pretty rudimentary here, but could easily be expanded. (Still need to test ways to keep cross-task state.)
  • Accessing elements in custom HTML components via the DOM – alternatively, I think you could also pass this to updateText(), but working with query selectors is often cleaner. (Nice plus: class names are unlikely to conflict with built-ins, because Styled Components mangles them when the Prodigy app is compiled.)

I’ve also added a user_config option to the config parameters passed in via the recipe and prodigy.json. This allows custom interfaces to refer to arbitrary config via window.prodigy.config.userConfig.

Edit: Dispatching custom events works as well. So you’ll also be able to do this:

document.addEventListener('prodigyanswer', ev => {
    console.log('The answer was: ', ev.detail)

I didn’t realise you couldn’t write to the top-level event and had to use event.detail. So we might want to change it slightly to always expose an object here.