Conditional behavior based on selections in choice interface

Hi @freepskov,

Yes, both are definitely possible with a bit of custom code.

I want the Notes text field to be mandatory unless a specific selection is made in the choice dialogue, in which case the Notes field can be optionally left empty.

You can use Prodigy validate_answer callback to implement this condition. This callback has access to the latest annotated example so you can perform any custom checks on any field. In case, the validation doesn't pass, you can define an error message that will be displayed as a browser pop up.

Some questions can become irrelevant depending on selections made on previous questions about the same query.

This one is a bit trickier as Prodigy has been designed to model the annotation as a stream of independent tasks. The easiest way to fulfill your requirement would be to conditionally display the follow up questions on the same annotation card via javascript logic. Here you can find a similar solution. Let me know if you need help adapting it to your use case!