Can't merge non-disjoint spans when using terms.train-vectors

Thank you @ines. This was helpful.
I ran into another problem when attempting to use my custom model in the textcat.teach recipe. I received the following error when running the code below

prodigy textcat.teach mydataset custom_model file.jsonl --label MYLABEL

error message:
for np in doc.noun_chunks:
File "doc.pyx", line 586, in noun_chunks
ValueError: [E029] noun_chunks requires the dependency parse, which requires a statistical model to be installed and loaded. For more info, see the documentation:
Models & Languages ยท spaCy Usage Documentation

Then, I noticed in line 65 of the textcat.teach recipe that the "parser" is disabled:

nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model, disable=["ner", "parser"])

The error message went away when I changed this line of the textcat.teach recipe to...

nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model, disable=["ner"])

Any thoughts or feedback as to my solution. Thanks again for the help.